ABS Advisory empowers and supports organizations in their strategic transformation journey in order to develop their solutions and adapt their business model to an ever-changing environment.



As part of a business school, ABS Advisory benefits from research-based knowledge, research – professors with cutting-edge expertise, and continuous collaborations with learning programs that enable fostering the organization’s evolution.



Advisory is a hub where creativity and a co-constructive process are at the heart of the interactions between research – professors and organizations. This approach helps our clients teams to design customized solutions, acquire critical capabilities and develop problem-solving abilities in different fields.



Depending on the topics, Advisory works through a cross-functional team combining ABS academic expertise (Research-Professors and Ph.D. students) and business consultants and collaborators to bring a comprehensive and compelling offer to the clients.




The link between Research, Advisory & Learning (RAL) aims to empower organizations to solve organizational issues on their own: Strongly rooted in Africa Business School (ABS)

RAL: Synergies created from the combination of
Research, Advisory & Learning to build a global approach to support clients.

RAL: Synergies created from the combination of Research, Advisory & Learning to build a global approach to support clients.


Leveraging the expertise of research professors (Advisors), to help companies address complex business issues in a volatile, uncertain, complex et ambiguous (VUCA) environment


Access to a large network of internationally recognized multidisciplinary advisors from UM6P.


A scientific and tailor-made co-construction approach empowers clients to solve their issues independently.


Exploration, implementation, and re-feeding of research results, with practical contextualization to business needs.


Building capabilities and knowledge to strengthen the skills of the teams and create a lasting impact for the company.


Nurture organizations’ need to evolve utilizing research-based knowledge, Advisors’ expertise and Research-Advisory-Learning collaborations, aiming to have a sustainable impact in Morocco, Africa and the world.



Connect organizations and Advisors to co-create a fertile ground for inspiration, innovation and scientific paradigm change towards a holistic approach


Empower organizations with solutions, advice and guidance from state-of-the-art scientific research, methodologies and Advisors’ expertise


Have a positive and sustainable impact on individuals, businesses and their ecosystems in Morocco, Africa and the world

Catalyze cycle knowledge

Foster Research, Advisory & Learning synergies within circular knowledge loops (R&A, A&L, R-A-L & Organizations’ loops)


ABS Advisory teams combine academic/research advisors and collaborators with business know-how.

A network of 50 knowledgeable advisors in several scientific and management fields

List of fields

  • Supply chain & Value
  • Network
  • Modeling & Analytics
  • Business Analytics
  • Strategic Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Mathematics & Finance
  • Entrepreneurship &
  • Innovation
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Organizational behavior
  • Leadership
  • Human resources
  • Energy & Environmental
  • Economy
  • …, and many more

A network of 50 knowledgeable advisors in several scientific and management fields

Diversity of profiles

  • Engineering
  • Business
  • Research
  • Enterperneuship

Multidisciplinary background

  • Industry
  • Finance
  • Supply chain
  • Consulting
  • Sales
  •  Marketing
  • Project management
  • Data Science

Massive adoption and lasting impact



Customized consulting

Scientific diagnosis


Field recommendations

Use cases

Innovation in management

Scientific expertise

State of the art research knowledge


One team for a unique and sustainable added value for the client

Link between the academic and corporate worlds

Passionate team & experienced in corporate management, consulting, data science, research and entrepreneurship

Manage the project from End-To-End
Deliver toward the project objectives in a timely manner

Search for the best-fitting Advisors and experts

Unique deliverable

Advisory Team



bullet Honest approach : what are the limits of knowledge
bullet Field inspired benchmarks
bullet Tailor made recommandations
bullet Scientific approach to management : Knowing what works & what not
bullet Trusted & State of the Art Knowledge
bullet Knowledge Transfer & capability building


The quality of our expertise

bullet ABS Advisory relies on a large network of knowledgeable Advisors in several scientific and management fields with established experience among corporates and company boards

bullet The critical eye, insight and neutrality of our Advisors as researchers, professors and practitioners can help address clients’ issues from a new perspective

Our Dual DNA

bullet A combination of our academic expertise (Research-Professors and Ph.D.students) and our business know-how (consultants and collaborators with a business track record)

bullet A proven experience in managing complex projects involving various stakeholders, to build solutions tailored to the organization’s expectations

Our internal capabilities

bullet Advisory team has access to state-of-the-art knowledge, research based and industry benchmarks, quantitative modeling and strategic recommendations, organizational diagnostics, technical and managerial expertise, engaging teams in a change dynamic

bullet While addressing business issues, search for experts , Advisory team has the capacity to work on a large range of qualitative (e.g. : business management, marketing, sales, …) and quantitative (e.g. : modeling, analytics, pricing, …) topics

Our end-to-end customized support

bullet Multidisciplinary teams that can intervene from the identification of the organization’s problems to the elaboration of the strategy and its deployment and cover cross functional and sectorial missions (e.g., reorganization of a BU while taking in account the company strategy, the sustainability dimension and world-class practices of different functions: Finance, Supply Chain, Marketing …)

bullet Connection with the Research team to develop case studies and with the Learning team to develop customized training programs adapted to the organization’s context and level of maturity


Network of



Advisory Team



Project Time Spent

20% to 50%

with Advisors

More Than


Projects Completed

Long lasting impact by combining the impact on the Organization & Teams

Our services :
bullet Supply Chain & Value Network
bullet Energy & Sustainability
bullet Strategic Management
bullet Business Management
bullet Marketing & Pricing
bullet Digital Transformation
bullet Finance
bullet Innovation & entrepreneurship

Training Capability Building as part of Project Delivery

Less slides, more knowledge transfer