Executive Diploma in Financial Engineering and Operations Research

Start Date
December 2023

UM6P Rabat, Morocco

• Working professionals in quantitative positions in banks and insurance companies
• Business analysts in services & administration
• Young managers aiming to strengthen their knowledge in modeling & analytics

7 months for certificates
18 months for the diploma

English and French

Face to Face


École Polytechnique

Short presentation of the program:

FEOR is an ambitious and inclusive program aiming not only at supplying the learners with a quantitative toolbox full of mathematical concepts and algorithms enabling to extract the most value and impact from the available data and information, but also and primarily, to equip them with the modeling mindset.

Indeed, a fundamental skill is the ability to recognize, identify or build some models, or abstractions, as a way to apprehend and support our interactions with the systems surrounding us. In the FEOR program, we’ll apply and develop such models for finance, markets and supply-chain.

We’ll also acquaint our learners with the concept of uncertainty : how to model these “known unknowns” and take them into account in our decision-making. FEOR is not only a way to strengthen these quantitative skills, but also a fundamental basis for qualitative skills, such as critical thinking, since any models have their limits and it’s the role of the modeler to exhibit them, or problem solving since modeling has always have a symbiotic relationship with problem solving in the necessity for abstracting the system.


Attend classes taught by renowned professors from Africa Business School and Polytechnic X Paris.

Learn Python at your own pace thanks to the DataCamp platform.

Acquire an analytics toolbox, allowing to /structure and optimize decision making processes and manage resources within complex value chains.

Master the techniques for quantifying and managing the risks induced by the growing volatility of our environments and by the evolution of regulatory frameworks, requiring sophisticated tools.

Apply the knowledge in practice through numerous cases studies and projects developed in Python, allowing for both an in-depth understanding of the techniques and a reinforcement of the Python skills.

Develop these skills at a pace adapted to your professional activity.

Put these techniques into practice through numerous use cases and projects developed in Python, allowing for both an in-depth understanding of the techniques and a reinforcement of the Python skills.

Develop these skills at a pace adapted to your professional activity.


Module 1 | COMMON CORE

bullet  Machine Learning & econometry
bullet  Decision Analytics Fundamentals
bullet  Simulation under uncertainty


bullet  Dynamics hedging models in finance & energy markets
bullet  Risk management, credit, forex
bullet  Market microstructure & price formation
bullet  ALM
bullet  Optimal incentives & contracting


bullet  Game theory & investment decisions
bullet  Decision Analytics – Advanced
bullet  Commodities market modeling
bullet  Yield management & dynamic pricing
bullet  Digital customers analytics
Pedagogical team

An Executive Degree which comes in two certificates :

Finance Analytics Certificate.

Pricing & Market Analytics.