FROM MOROCCO TO AFRICA : A STRATEGIC JOURNEY OF LEADERSHIP BEYOND TIME, SHAPING THE FUTURE Organized by Africa Business School in collaboration with the John Molson Business School (Concordia University), the “From Morocco to Africa: A Strategic Journey of Leadership Beyond Time, Shaping the Future” Learning Expedition was a multi-day program designed to provide 26 Executive MBA participants with a comprehensive understanding of Morocco’s dynamic business environment, leadership practices, and...
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Africa Business School at the African Digital Summit

Africa Business School was proud to participate at the African Digital Summit as a bronze sponsor, sharing a booth with the Story School during the two-day event. Throughout the summit, ABS actively engaged with a diverse range of professionals, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. The team had the opportunity to showcase the school’s programs and initiatives, building valuable connections within the digital and business communities. This networking also opened doors to...
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Africa Business School Co-Hosts the 17th AGECSO Conference

Showcasing Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange at the 17th AGECSO Conference Co-Organized by Africa Business School Last week, from May 29th to 31st, Africa Business School co-organized the 17th AGECSO Conference alongside Université Paris Dauphine – PSL and UM6P France. Focused on “Communities and Learning Spaces,” this event underscored the crucial role of learning environments in the creation and dissemination of knowledge.Key discussions revolved around the importance of learning spaces for...
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