Executive certificate Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energies

Start Date

UM6P Rabat, Morocco.

Leaders and Managers;
Engineers in the energy sector;
Engineers, researchers or business developers creating start-ups in the renewable energy sector;
Staff of public institutions, project managers or lawyers with projects in this sector.

Blended learning (In Person and Online)

6 Months



HEC Paris

École Polytechnique


One of the challenges in the current energy market is developing and integrating renewable energy sources into the energy mix. The renewable energy sector is experiencing strong growth, creating a significant need for new skills. This certification program of the École Polytechnique Executive Education, in partnership with HEC Paris and the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), aims to develop a dual competence in engineering and entrepreneurship by addressing the specificities of the Moroccan and more widely African markets.

This program aims at developing dual expertise in both engineering and entrepreneurship. It allows for an increase in the skills of players and future leaders in the energy market in the energy transition context.

Upon completion of the ENR certificate program, you will be able to :

bullet  Understand energy markets’ global and regional macroeconomic balances to define public and corporate strategies.

bullet  Acquire an overview of the different renewable energy technologies, allowing you to make the best industrial choices.

bullet  Adopt best practices in innovation and entrepreneurship and know how to apply them to develop a new project in this advanced sector.

bullet  Master the contractual aspects and risk analysis of an energy project development and, more broadly, the challenges of infrastructure project management.




   International faculty masterfully weaving business theory with practice, allowing participants to apply what they learn in the classroom into their current positions in real time.


Dual expertise in renewable energy entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial and technological.

The program offers a mixed teaching approach using modern methods such as small private online courses, virtual classes, face-to-face classes, business case studies, and site visits (3 thematic visits to the Green Energy Park, Benguerir).

Opportunity to work on a personal project with professionals’ support and present it to a jury of experts.


Module 1

bullet  Understanding of the macro-economic balances of energy markets: Climate context, Electricity markets and regulations (Moroccan context), Contracts and risks.

Module 2

bullet  Overall knowledge of the different ENR technologies: Solar, Wind, Batteries and Hydrogen, Biomass-bioenergy, Smart Grids, Intermittency management

bullet  Experimental work at the Green Energy Park.

Module 3

bullet  Ability to innovate and undertake, design of a business model: technological strategy and innovation management

bullet  Presentation of start-up and business case

Module 4

bullet  Mastery of contractual aspects, risk analysis and the basics of project management.

bullet  Financial modelling of a project.

bullet  MASEN case study.


Executive Certificate delivered by Ecole Polytechnique

Executive Education: «Entrepreneuriat dans les énergies renouvelables – RS 2400»