Professor Karina Jensen at ISPIM in Estonia

Highlights of Professor Karina Jensen’s Contributions at the ISPIM Conference on Innovation Leadership and Ecosystems

Professor Karina Jensen participated in the ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management) Innovation Conference titled ‘Local Innovation Ecosystems for Global Impact’ in Tallinn, Estonia. ISPIM is recognized as the oldest and largest global innovation network, boasting 3,800 members from over 100 countries.

At the conference, Professor Jensen engaged in multiple roles and activities. She delivered a workshop for junior researchers alongside Dr. Stephanie Kaudela-Baum, focusing on “Empowering the Next Wave of Innovators: Exploring Innovation Leadership in a Global Context.” Additionally, she conducted a workshop to present the latest Innovation Leadership Competency Framework 3.0, which was developed by the Innovation Leadership Special Interest Group. Professor Jensen, who is the founder and co-leader of Global Research and Practice within this group, co-facilitated this workshop with her colleague and co-leader of Global Research, Stephanie Kaudela-Baum of HSLU in Switzerland.

During the conference, Professor Jensen also announced the release of a collective book titled “Innovation Leadership in Practice,” which she co-edited, published by Emerald in December 2023, comprised 20 chapters and featured contributions from 38 co-authors across 18 countries in three regions.

Furthermore, Professor Jensen chaired and facilitated a paper session on Innovation Leadership and Culture. She also presented a working paper on the topic “Global Innovation Leadership: New Skills for a Changing World.” Her active involvement in the conference underscores her commitment to advancing the field of innovation leadership on a global scale.

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