Walid Klibi, is involved in teaching activities since 2005 at Laval University and
from 2011 at KEDGE BS. He is especially participating to teaching within the ISLI
master programs, the Program Grande Ecole (Supply Chain and Entrepreneurship
Tracks) and the MBA program. He is regularly invited to deliver courses with partner
universities in Europe and Africa, such as IHEC (Tunisia), RANEPA (Russia), Kuhne
Logistics University (Germany), and the LEED Programme in Africa by the Kühne
He designed and run several graduate and undergraduate courses in Business
Analytics, Statistics, Optimisation, Supply chain Design and Planning, Distribution
Networks, and Urban Logistics. He is also involved to design and run executive
training, case studies and business games with private organizations such as
Sephora, Orange Group, Airbus Atlantic and Geodis.
Walid Klibi is co-author of several international
scientic and professional articles, and of an “award
winner” book in the eld of Supply Chain Management